
Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Ganesh chaturthi 2012

So sorry for the late post...Here is the activity we did for Ganesh Chaturthi this year.
It was a simple collage, but ended up being such a WOW project! the kids were really happy, as was I!

Thanks for stopping by...

Workshop at Ecole Mondiale World School

Hi all....I have been MIA for a while.
Life has been 'good' busy!
One event, was the workshops I conducted during art week at Ecole Mndiale World School at Juhu, Mumbai.
the primary kids made snowglobes and the secondary kids made pop up cards.
Here are some images.

Thanks so much for stopping by...

Friday, October 19, 2012

Paru's perceptions Photography

Hi everyone

I have started a new blog...

Paru's Perceptions Photography

Please drop by and have a look.

Have been a bit busy with a large project...will post some pics real soon.
Thanks so very much for dropping by and reading my blog...
Have a lovely evening!